

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday ride, breezy again!

3h 24m 19s 65.26 miles 19.16 Mi/hr

1:20 PM 65mileroute - Climb: 2920.00 feet

Solo ride. This was a tough ride for me. Headwind almost everywhere I turned. I trusted Google maps for a route around the bottom end of Jordan Lake. That ended up being a dead end, so I had to backtrack up Old1 to Pea Ridge. Dead headwind all the way across Jordan Lake on 64, down to 15mph all the way across. That was rough. Probably my longest, hardest solo ride. Only started talking to myself with about 2.5 miles to go, so that wasn't too bad ;)

Time for 56 miles was 2hr53min, average was 19.4 at that point (right at Green Hope School)

Had three bottles and the Aerodrink full when I left. Two bottles were Heed, one bottle and the Aerodrink were water. I had about half the Aerodrink left when I got home. Two Gus consumed during the ride. One at 1hr15min, one at 2hr30min. No real cramping to speak of, so hydration was better, but the wind just sucked the life out of me today. Bike did fine, but I need to clean the chain and lube the squeaky seat! And lower the bars one spacer ring.

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