

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2013 starts with a BANG!

So with some prodding from my friend Lee, Lainey and I and 2 other couples (the Proctors, and the Whites) decided to do a destination race in January.  I wanted to celebrate my 40th birthday on my own terms, and what better way than with friends and loved ones!

So, we registered for our respective races; the five of them for the half, and me for the full.  I had a tiny thought in the back of my head that I could BQ this course.  Having never seen it or run one foot in Charleston.

We had a fantastic time.  I did not BQ (3:15:14), but that did not matter.  Lainey and I had a blast, as did our friends, with the post-race expo in North Charleston, dining out, breakfast, walking around Charleston.  It was just a fantastic trip.

As for the race, I had it in the bag until mile 22, then I just didn't want to push any more.  Not sure why, but my drive to go harder just evaporated.  Regardless, it was a fun weekend.  I'm not sure that I'd run the full again; the half looked like much more fun.

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