

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Run plan, week of 2/16/09 (week 14/18)

Monday-no running. Recover from Sunday's 17 miles (w/14 at or faster than marathon pace)

Tuesday- 8 Mi w/ 5x600m @5k pace; :90 jogs between. This was done on the treadmill at Life Time. Jog pace was 7:30. 5k pace is 6:15. 57:03 run time, or 7:08/mile overall pace.

Wednesday-11 Mi medium-long. That means a little quicker than long-run pace, but not to tempo pace. I chose the standard 8:00/mile. Also on the treadmill at LTF :( 1:28 run time, 8:00/mile.

Thursday- no running. A.M. spin class (aerobic intervals), and an afternoon longer swim planned.

Friday- planned 4 mile run around Apex. Plan calls for 4 Mi w/ 6x100m strides. Might sneak in a lunchtime swim; might not.

The weekend gets a little tricky:
Saturday- plan calls for 8-15K race pace (planning 15k). Would also like to swim (and bike!!), but not sure what the weather or available time will allow me to do.

Sunday- 17 Mi LSD run (8-9:00/mile). Would like to hit Umstead for this, but again, not sure what weather and time will allow.

Feeling good. I have a little sore spot in my left foot, right behind my middle toe. I think I must've caught a rock there during the run on the ATT Sunday (was wearing the racing shoes, with thinner soles). Doesn't hurt to run, just a little sore when walking barefoot or with the work shoes on. I'll keep an eye on it. Also, a sore left elbow, but I have ramped up swimming a little, so the aches and pains are sure to follow. Will get some good rest tonight for sure.

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