

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week in Review, 9/29-10/5

Sun, Oct 5 2008

Rest day, moving the long run to Monday. I'm on vacation to the mtns!!

Sat, Oct 4 2008

32m 1500.00 meters 02m 08s /100 meters

8:03 AM pinehurst

3:01 T1...ugh.

1h 06m 42s 24.00 miles 21.59 Mi/hr

8:38 AM pinehurst
Climb: 1237 feet

1:01 T2...started getting my act together

43m 36s 6.21 miles 07m 01s/Mi

9:45 AM pinehurst
Climb: 459 feet

2:26:19, no penalties!!

A great great day for a race. RR kinda up, but no narrative yet.

Ran into Spot at Bojangle's pre-race, kapinto at bodymarking, love2tri (and her so) & keyone post-race. More details later, once I see the splits. Very foggy swim. I handled the hills well on the bike, rarely being passed when climbing. Sure, the big boys with the aero wheels could take me on the flats and downhills, but I climbed very well. Best part of the race: my Dad came down to watch, and was out on the bike course at about the midway point. That was great!

Best part of the run; I was passed by ONE runner (and I think he might have been a relay). THAT was awesome.

Race: Pinehurst Triathlon

Fri, Oct 3 2008

14m 51s 750.00 meters 01m 59s /100 meters

6:00 AM

Easy warmup swim, in the wetsuit again. No pushing, except the last 25. Worked on sighting every 5th stroke or so.


13m 30s 4.12 miles 18.31 Mi/hr

6:20 AM

Short spin after the swim (while still wet) to see what I need to wear for tomorrow. Got it covered!

01m 45s 0.23 miles 07m 37s/Mi

6:35 AM

really brief jog off the bike, to make sure I knew how to do it...

Of all the Cateye battery died this morning. Better today than tomorrow!

Thu, Oct 2 2008
21m 07s 1100.00 meters 01m 55s /100 meters

5:30 AM

Paul came to let me work on starts (drafting, finding feet, going hypoxic, that kind of stuff). I wore the wetsuit, he used the pullbuoy and paddles, and set us up for a fast start. See workout below:
200s (1:50, 1:58)

200p (1:51, 1:53)

2x[200 swim – first 50 at race start pace and then settle into race pace for remaining 150 – on 4:??, 50 on 1:00, 50 on 1:00] 1:00 rest between

Did the first 200 in 1:45+2:00, with a 1:55 50+50; 2nd 200 in 1:47+2:00, with a 2:08 50+50 (actually shorter than that, but I forgot the split)
100 cool down (1:57)

I'm ready.

35m 02s 5.00 miles 07m 01s/Mi

6:20 AM

Did a ladder run (7:30, 7, 6:30, 7, 7:30 pace) I really enjoy doing this, though it may be terrible for me...
Also threw in a sprint for the last .25 mile.


HR at mile 4.1 was 155

That's all for today.

Tomorrow's plan calls for 15min swim, 15min spin. To acclimate to the cool temps, my plan is to go swim 15min outside w/wetsuit (wearing tri top and shorts under), then do a transition and go for a 15-20min bike outside, wearing what I plan to wear on Saturday, to see if I need to make any adjustments.

Wed, Oct 1 2008

Rest day-also cleaning up the bike, putting on the "race" wheels, dialing in the shifters, starting to pack the race bag.

Also preparing for vacation next week, departing early Sunday morning for a week in the mountains.

Tue, Sep 30 2008
29m 48s 1500.00 meters 01m 59s /100 meters

6:30 AM

Yes, that was a 1500m straight swim. In a wetsuit ;)
Just giving it a once-over, to make sure I have my bodyglide plan right. This swim felt good, but I can tell it's been a few days...

1h 04m 38s 23.60 miles 21.91 Mi/hr

4:30 PM OCTodyBeaverUS1
Climb: 1362 feet

I've been working all season for a ride like this. Everything came together.

25:18 to the end of Tody
40:09 to Bonsal, 14.8 miles; this is a 22.1 avg. (passed a roadie, and he wheelsucked for about half-mile :( )
24:29 for the remaining 8.8 miles; 21.6 avg. on this stretch

Had a second wheelsucker coming back down the Peakway. I passed him outright on a downhill, and he decided to latch on.

If I hadn't been planning on the brick, I would've played with them a little...

37m 28s 5.24 miles 07m 09s/Mi

5:40 PM Peakway5.25
Climb: 515 feet

:35 transition off the bike, pretty good.

I felt good off the bike. Breathing a little fast, but it settled down after approx. 1 mile.

3:22 to the turn
7:56 out
7:42 back (19:02 for 2.62)
decided to slow it down a little at this point
8:01 out
7:35 back (I thought this was slowing it down...)
2:47 to home (laid it out a bit) 18:26 for 2.62

Wasn't really planning a negative split...

Had a good rest day yesterday, ate Mexican, drank dos Dos Equis, enjoyed the family. Picked up a cool little LED light I can clip on my hat brim for the next long a.m. Umstead run. Unwound with my friend Paul who just did SC Half (in 5:25 no less!!), and he's letting me borrow his wetsuit for Pinehurst. It fits really well, might just have to buy it from him!

Brick this afternoon; hard bike w/US1 timetrial, then a 5ish mile run. I will run out of transition at race pace, then probably ease off it after 2-3 miles. I still have a speed workout later this week to get in...

This was probably my most fun workout day all year. It all clicked. I hope it clicks again Saturday.

Mon, Sep 29 2008

Big ol' fat rest day. Get another one on Wednesday too!

Planned taper workouts:

Tuesday 9/30/08 (#10) 1500 yds a.m. 25 miles p.m. Easy run 5mi@8:01
Wednesday 10/1/08 Off
Thursday 10/2/08 (#4) 1000 yds a.m. Speedwork: 8mi. Inc.4x1600@6:18 w/800 jogs
Friday 10/3/08 15 min. easy 15 min. spin Off

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